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Dulce de leche sharing cheesecake recipe

Dulce de leche sharing cheesecake recipe

25 ratings

Created by The Tesco Real Food team

Moreish to the max, this cheesecake is so simple to put together and requires no cooking! Serve it in the dish and give everyone a spoon to tuck in. See method

  • Serves 10
  • Takes 30 mins plus overnight or 5 hrs chilling time
  • 421 calories / serving


  • 200g digestive biscuits
  • 75g butter, melted
  • 150g white chocolate, broken into pieces
  • 200ml whipping cream
  • 500g 50% less fat cream cheese, at room temperature
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 25g icing sugar
  • 1 tbsp vanilla paste or extract
  • 3 tbsp Carnation caramel

Each serving contains

  • Energy

  • Fat

    30g 42%
  • Saturates

    18g 90%
  • Sugars

    20g 22%
  • Salt

    0.4g 7%

of the reference intake
Carbohydrate 30.2g Protein 8.1g Fibre 1.3g


  1. Place the biscuits in a food processor and pulse until finely crushed. Add the melted butter and pulse until combined. Alternatively, use a plastic bag and bash the biscuits with a rolling pin. Pour into a bowl and mix with the melted butter to combine.
  2. Spoon the mixture over the base of a 26 x 20cm dish and press down with a metal spoon. Place in the fridge to set.
  3. Put the white chocolate in a heatproof bowl set over a pan of barely simmering water, stirring occasionally, until melted. Remove the bowl from the heat; set aside to cool.
  4. Whisk the cream until just beginning to thicken. In a separate bowl, whisk the cream cheese, lemon juice, icing sugar and the vanilla paste to soften.
  5. Gently mix the melted white chocolate into the cream cheese mixture, then very gently fold in the whipped cream.
  6. Pour the cheesecake filling over the chilled biscuit base, then, using a teaspoon, dot the caramel on top. Use the back of the spoon to swirl the caramel around to decorate.
  7. Cover with clingfilm and place in the fridge for at least 5 hrs, or overnight.

Tip: Take the cream cheese out of the fridge 1 hr before to get to room temperature. This cheesecake can be made up to two days in advance. Keep covered in the fridge until required.

See more Cheesecake recipes

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