Pack up a Pride picnic
Make these portable dishes to share with your loved ones and celebrate Pride month. Recipe developer, Jacob Taylor's, iced buns are the perfect tear ’n’ share treat to enjoy with friends. He says: 'Not only are they a nostalgic bake for me, but everyone loves them.' Plus, you can get creative with the icing!
Find a spot in the sunshine and tuck into recipe developer, Saskia Sidey's, ultimate chicken salad.With gently spiced chicken, sundried tomatoes, avocado and homemade pickled onions, this colourful salad is packed full of summer flavours. Saskia says: 'The chicken has a crazy umami hit: a crumbled vegetable stock cube is a quick hack to take seasoning to the next level.

no-fuss focaccia tastes great with the chicken salad. Salty, crisp, fluffy and chewy, this won’t be round for long! Decorate with roasted grapes, sharp blue cheese and aromatic rosemary and finish with a scattering of sea salt.
Saskia's tip: Chuck all the ingredients together the night before, give it a mix and then be rewarded in the morning with the heavenly scent of freshly baked bread.
Baker, Craig Poku, shares his recipe for mini chickpea pies and red onion pies, which are sure to be a crowd-pleaser. Golden shortcrust pastry is filled with spicy chickpeas and mushrooms. They can be eaten hot or cold. Craig says: 'I enjoy making these pies because it gives me the opportunity to celebrate my culture and give my friends the opportunity to share their stories through food.