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Guacamole tartlets recipe

Guacamole tartlets recipe

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See method

  • Serves 4
  • 15mins to prepare
  • 446 calories / serving
  • Vegetarian


  • 2 sheets of shortcrust pastry (or 12 croustade pastry tartlet cases)

For the guacamole

  • 3 avocados, very ripe
  • zest and juice of 3 limes
  • 1 bunch coriander, finely chopped
  • 1 green chilli, deseeded and finely chopped
  • salt, to season
  • pepper, to season
  • 4 spring onions, finely chopped
  • handful button mushrooms, finely sliced
If you don't have any limes, try a lemon instead

Each serving contains

  • Energy

  • Fat

    36g 51%
  • Saturates

    10g 48%
  • Sugars

    2g 2%
  • Salt

    0.8g 13%

of the reference intake
Carbohydrate 26g Protein 5.1g Fibre 7.3g


  1. Peel and stone the avocados and add the flesh to a large bowl. Add about ½ tsp of salt to the lime juice to allow it to dissolve, then stir into the avocados with the zest. Add the chopped coriander, chilli and pepper.
  2. Either mash with a fork to retain a little pulpy texture or whiz in a hand blender for a smoother purée. Taste and adjust the seasoning if necessary.
  3. Spoon the guacamole into the tartlet cases. Sprinkle over the spring onions and mushrooms before serving.

Instructions to make pastry tartlet cases:

  1. Preheat oven 170°C/340°F/Gas Mark 3.
  2. Roll the shortcrust pastry sheets out on a lightly floured surface. Lightly oil the individual moulds of the tartlet tray. Cut pastry into 12 rounds, so that they fit each mould. Press into the bottom and sides of each hole. Chill in refrigerator for 15 minutes. 
  3. Remove from the fridge and prick the bottoms of the pastry with a fork. Take nonstick baking paper and cut pieces to fill each mould and fill with baking beans. Blind bake for 8-10 minutes depending on size or until they are lightly golden or until fully cooked. 
  4. Take out of oven and remove baking paper and beans and let it cool before adding the guacamole filling.

See more Canapé recipes

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