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Roast turkey breasts stuffed with apricots and cranberries recipe

Roast turkey breasts stuffed with apricots and cranberries recipe

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A Christmas centrepiece to serve 8, this turkey breast recipe is stuffed with dried fruits, sausagemeat and breadcrumbs and roasted until juicy and cooked through. The stuffing keeps the meat moist, while adding layers of flavour and an impressive cross section to admire when carved. See method

  • Serves 8
  • 25 mins to prepare and 1 hr 50 mins to cook, 10 mins to cool
  • 650 calories / serving
  • Freezable


  • 100g butter, melted and cooled slightly
  • 2 large turkey breasts, trimmed
  • 400g sausage meat
  • 200g fresh breadcrumbs
  • 100g dried apricots, finely chopped
  • 50g dried cranberries
  • 50g poppy seeds
  • 2 red onions, cut into wedges
  • 2 limes, halved
  • salt
  • pepper
If you don't have red onions, try using white, brown or spring onions

Each serving contains

  • Energy

  • Fat

    32g 46%
  • Saturates

    14g 70%
  • Sugars

    13g 14%
  • Salt

    1.8g 30%

of the reference intake
Carbohydrate 29.7g Protein 70.8g Fibre 2.9g


A Christmas centrepiece to serve 8, this turkey breast recipe is stuffed with dried fruits, sausagemeat and breadcrumbs and roasted until juicy and cooked through. The stuffing keeps the meat moist, while adding layers of flavour and an impressive cross section to admire when carved.

  1. Preheat the oven to 190°C.
  2. Blitz 200g of fresh bread in a food processor and then combine the sausage meat, breadcrumbs, apricot and seasoning in a large mixing bowl. Mix really well using your hands until evenly combined.
  3. Lay one of the breasts on a flat surface and season well. Shape the stuffing mixture into a rough sausage shape and place down the middle of the breast meat, studding it with the cranberries as you go. Place the other turkey breast on top of the stuffing, shaping it over and around the stuffing so that it meets the other piece of breast meat.
  4. Tie securely at 1 inch intervals using kitchen twine. Baste all over with the melted butter then season and sprinkle the poppy seeds all over. Arrange in a deep roasting tray and scatter the red onion and lime wedges around it.
  5. Roast for 80-100 minutes until the breast meat and stuffing is cooked through with no pink showing. Gently pierce the turkey with a skewer to make sure its juices are clear and it is completely done. Remove from the oven and cover loosely with aluminium foil.
  6. Rest for at least 10 minutes before slicing. Serve on a plate alongside the red onion and lime wedges.

For top tips on protecting you and your family when preparing raw meat and poultry, visit Food Safety in the Home.

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