Joining forces as part of the 'Helping you to live healthier' campaign in 2018, Tesco's partnership with Diabetes UK combines skills and expertise to help people live well with diabetes and reduce their risk of type 2 diabetes. As part of this, Diabetes UK has picked Tesco Real Food recipes that are deliciously balanced and worth a try - whether you're at risk of developing type 2 diabetes, living with it, or not.
The partnership embodies an award-winning collaboration in an attempt to raise awareness of one of the UK's biggest health challenges. From launching the 'Let's Talk' pharmacy service, upskilling pharmacists in supporting those at risk of developing or living with serious conditions, to promoting a free online risk assessment tool that allows you to understand your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, and do something about it.
Take a look at our Diabetes recipes - all featured recipes have been reviewed by Diabetes UK.