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Adam’s one-pot citrus chicken and courgette salad recipe

Adam’s one-pot citrus chicken and courgette salad recipe

7 ratings

Tesco's product development chef, Adam, has written this brilliant one-pot chicken recipe which uses ingredients that are commonly bought in the kitchen. The recipe can also be flexed to whatever you have in your kitchen - swap the spices to your favourite or use whatever fresh herbs you have to hand. See method

  • Serves 4
  • Takes 1 hour
  • 707 calories / serving


  • 80g sugar
  • 100g vinegar
  • 1 tbsp parsley, chopped, including stalks (optional)
  • 2 courgettes, peeled into ribbons
  • 4 chicken breasts
  • 2 tsp paprika
  • 2 tsp cumin
  • 2 tsp mixed spice
  • 1 lemon, zested 
  • 1½ tbsp olive oil
  • 500g baby potatoes
  • 200g fine green beans
  • 1 onion or shallot, thinly sliced
  • 1 chicken stock cube
  • 1 tbsp honey​
  • 200g soft cheese
  • 200g plain flour, plus extra for dusting
  • 1 tsp baking powder
If you haven't got any baby potatoes, try dicing a large white potato instead

Each serving contains

  • Energy

  • Fat

    23g 33%
  • Saturates

    11g 55%
  • Sugars

    14g 16%
  • Salt

    2.1g 35%

of the reference intake
Carbohydrate 71g Protein 49g Fibre 9.1g


  1. Preheat the oven to gas 7, 220°C, fan 200°C. 
  2. Slice the new potatoes hasselback-style, then place in a casserole dish with 1 tbsp oil and shake so the potatoes are coated in the oil. Bake for 15-20 minutes until crispy. 
  3. Meanwhile, make the pickled courgette salad. Put 300g water into a medium pan with the sugar, vinegar and parsley stalks, if using. Bring to the boil for 3-4 mins, then turn off the heat and leave to cool. Peel ribbons of the courgette and drop into the pickle liquid for 10-15 mins until tender; set aside. 
  4. Cut the chicken breasts into 3 chunks per breast, then season and add paprika, cumin and mixed spice, the lemon zest and 1 tbsp of oil. 
  5. Cut the fine beans in half. 
  6. Once the potatoes are done, tip them out of the casserole dish and set aside. Turn down the oven to gas 6, 200°C, fan 180°C. 
  7. In the same casserole dish, heat 1 tbsp oil and seal off the chicken pieces until golden. Turn down the heat and sprinkle over the sliced onion and stock cube, then pop the potatoes back in. 
  8. Season and add the honey, if you like. Slice the zested lemon and arrange over the dish, then add 150ml of water and put the lid on. Transfer to the oven and cook for 30 mins. 
  9. Meanwhile, make the cream cheese flatbreads. Mix the cream cheese, flour, 2 tsp of the olive oil and baking powder in a bowl and season well, adding a splash of cold water, if needed, to form a soft dough. Divide the dough into four and roll out on a lightly dusted surface to a 0.5mm thickness.
  10. Heat a griddle pan or frying pan over a medium-high heat and cook the flatbreads for 2-3 mins each side until golden; leave to cool. 
  11. Remove the lid from the casserole dish, turn the heat up to gas 7, 220°C, fan 200°C and scatter in the fine beans and cook in the oven for a further 8-10 mins until the beans are soft. Top with chopped herbs and serve with the cream cheese flatbreads.

See more Chicken recipes

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