1. In a microwave-proof jug or bowl beat the eggs together using a fork or small hand whisk.
2. Add the sugar, cubed room temperature butter and the finely grated zest and juice of the lemon.
3. Stir together then pop into the microwave for 20 seconds on high power.
4. Remove from the microwave and stir thoroughly – the butter should begin to melt.
5. Repeat for another 20 seconds, remove and stir again. The butter will be melted and the curd will be smooth yet runny.
6. Another 20 seconds – remove and this time the curd should be smooth and thickened.
7. If the lemon being used was a large juicy one a further 20-second burst may be necessary to thicken.
8. Transfer to a clean glass jar, seal and keep in the fridge. It will continue to thicken further as it cools.
9. It keeps 3-4 weeks in the fridge.
See more Low energy recipes