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Mini bakewell tarts recipe

Mini bakewell tarts recipe

144 ratings

Created by The Tesco Real Food team

There's nothing like a little something sweet with a cup of tea. These mini bakewell tarts are made by filling shortcrust pastry bases with a dollop of raspberry jam followed by a sweet and nutty frangipane. See method

  • Makes 12
  • 25 mins to prepare and 25 mins to cook, 15 mins to cool
  • 305 calories / serving


  • flour, for dusting
  • 1 x 375g pack ready-made sweet shortcrust pastry
  • 12tsp raspberry jam
  • 25g (1oz) flaked almonds
  • 4tbsp icing sugar

For the frangipane filling

  • 60g (2½oz) unsalted butter, softened
  • 60g (2½oz) caster sugar
  • 1 medium free-range egg, beaten
  • 60g (2½oz) ground almonds
  • ½tsp almond extract

Each serving contains

  • Energy

  • Fat

    17g 24%
  • Saturates

    7g 35%
  • Sugars

    22g 24%
  • Salt

    0.4g 7%

of the reference intake
Carbohydrate 36.8g Protein 3.8g Fibre 0.8g


  1. Preheat the oven to gas 6, 200°C, fan 180°C. Lightly flour a surface and roll out the pastry thinly. Using a 8cm (31⁄2in) fluted cutter, cut out 12 rounds and press into a greased 12-hole bun tin. Prick with a fork and chill for 10 mins.
  2. Line each pastry case with a small piece of kitchen foil (allow a slight overhang to help you remove it later) and fill with baking beans. Blind bake for 10 minutes, until just turning golden and firm to touch. Remove the foil and baking beans and bake for another 3 minutes or until golden and crisp. Turn down the oven to gas 4, 180°C, fan 160°C.
  3. For the frangipane filling, mix together the butter, sugar, egg, ground almonds and almond extract. Put 1 tsp of jam in each tart case and then divide the frangipane mixture between the cases. Smooth the top of each tart with a knife and then scatter with flaked almonds.
  4. Bake for 18-20minutes, or until the frangipane is just set and golden. Remove from the oven and transfer to a wire rack, to cool.
  5. Mix the icing sugar with a little water to make a runny icing. Drizzle over the tarts in a zigzag pattern and leave to set. Serve warm, if you like, or allow to cool.

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