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Slow-cooked coconut porridge with warm tropical fruit recipe

Slow-cooked coconut porridge with warm tropical fruit recipe

30 ratings

Bun in the oven breakfast in bed: Treat a tired mum to this delicious breakfast of slow-cooked coconut porridge with warm mango and pineapple. Please note that this recipe makes enough porridge for four, but it will keep, covered, in the fridge for a couple of days and can be reheated in the microwave. See method

  • Serves 4
  • 6-7 hrs (overnight)
  • 341 calories / serving
  • Vegetarian


  • 100g jumbo rolled oats
  • ¼ tsp cinnamon
  • 400ml tin coconut milk
  • clear honey, to sweeten (optional)
  • 1 tsp coconut oil
  • 1 x 220g pack Mango & Pineapple with a Coconut & Lemongrass Drizzle

Each serving contains

  • Energy

  • Fat

    22g 32%
  • Saturates

    18g 89%
  • Sugars

    11g 12%
  • Salt

    0.2g 3%

of the reference intake
Carbohydrate 29.6g Protein 5.7g Fibre 2.8g


  1. Before you go to bed, put the oats in the slow cooker with the cinnamon and cover with the coconut milk. Fill the coconut tin with water and add that to the slow cooker. Cook on low for 6-7 hours, until the oats are soft and creamy. (If you prefer to cook this during the day, then give the oats a stir every now and then, but if you're doing it overnight don't worry.)
  2. At the end of the cooking time, give the oats a good stir and add honey to sweeten if you like. Keep the oats warm while you prepare the pineapple and mango.
  3. To serve one, heat the coconut oil in a frying pan and fry the fruits, tossing now and then, for 4-5 minutes until slightly softened and beginning to caramelise. Leave to cool slightly. Serve the porridge with the fruit, any juices from the pan and the drizzle if liked.

Serve with: Vanilla-spiced latte (this makes one)

  1. Put 200g caster sugar in a small pan with 200ml water, 1 vanilla pod, halved lengthways and the seeds scraped out and mixed in, 6 green cardamom pods, split and the seeds ground and mixed in, and 1 cinnamon stick, broken.
  2. Heat gently until the sugar has dissolved, then bring to the boil and bubble gently for 5 mins. Leave to cool in the pan overnight, for the flavours to infuse, then strain into a lidded jar.
  3. This will keep for about a month in the fridge. To make one latte put 2-3 tbsp of the vanilla-spiced syrup into a mug and top with 50ml steaming hot espresso coffee and 150ml hot milk.

See more Mother's Day breakfast in bed recipes

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