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Nectarine and white chocolate money bags recipe

Nectarine and white chocolate money bags recipe

7 ratings

Keep the kiddies entertained this summer with our simple, creative recipes - they will absolutely love making these fun money bag parcels and will enjoy tucking into the sweet white chocolate chips and baked nectarine hidden inside. See method

  • Serves 6 (makes 6 money bags)
  • 27 mins to prepare and 18 mins to cook
  • 311 calories / serving
  • Vegetarian


  • 6 nectarines, peeled, stoned and diced
  • 50g white chocolate chips
  • 1/2 tbsp golden caster sugar
  • 1 x 270g pack filo pastry, each sheet halved to make 12 squares
  • 50g unsalted butter, melted
  • 1 egg, beaten

Each serving contains

  • Energy

  • Fat

    12g 17%
  • Saturates

    6g 31%
  • Sugars

    21g 23%
  • Salt

    0.5g 8%

of the reference intake
Carbohydrate 46.2g Protein 7.4g Fibre 1.5g


  1. Preheat the oven to gas 4, 180ºC, fan 160ºC.
  2. Ask the kids to put the diced nectarine, white chocolate chips and golden caster sugar into a bowl and mix well.
  3. Lay 6 squares of the pastry on a work surface, brush each with a little of the melted butter. Lay another square – slightly off-set, on top and brush again with butter. Divide the nectarine and chocolate mixture between the pastry squares, aiming to make a little pile in the middle of each.
  4. Bring up the sides and pinch to secure. Flare out the tops to emphasise the ‘money bag’ shape.
  5. Using a spatula, carefully transfer to a baking sheet lined with nonstick baking paper. Brush with the beaten egg. Bake for 15-18 minutes until golden. Serve warm or cold.

See more Summer desserts and bakes for kids

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