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Hidden veg turkey burgers recipe

Hidden veg turkey burgers recipe

9 ratings

These turkey mince burgers are packed with onion, garlic and courgette for a tasty and healthy burger recipe for the little ones. They are a cinch to make and you can make a big batch and freeze them for a quick dinner fix in the future. See method

  • Serves 2
  • 10 mins to prepare and 20 mins to cook
  • 381 calories / serving
  • Freezable


  • 1 garlic clove, finely chopped
  • ¼ onion, finely chopped
  • 60g courgette, finely grated
  • 300g 2% turkey breast mince
  • 300g 2% turkey breast mince
  • 2 wholemeal batch rolls
  • 2 tbsp mayonnaise (optional)
  • 1/3 iceberg lettuce, leaves torn
  • 100g carrot, peeled and sliced into 1cm-thick ‘fries’
  • 1/3 cucumber, sliced into 1cm-thick ‘fries’

Each serving contains

  • Energy

  • Fat

    5g 7%
  • Saturates

    1g 7%
  • Sugars

    11g 12%
  • Salt

    0.9g 22%

of the reference intake
Carbohydrate 34.8g Protein 47.9g Fibre 6.5g


  1. Heat the oven to gas 6, 180°C, fan 160°C. Combine the garlic, onion, grated courgette and turkey mince together in a large bowl and season with black pepper. Shape the mixture into 2 burgers, about 3cm thick. Place on a baking tray in the oven for 15-20 mins until golden and cooked through. 
  2. Meanwhile heat a nonstick frying pan over a medium heat. Cut the bread rolls in half and place cut-side down in the pan for 1-2 mins until golden and toasted.
  3. Spread the base of each bun with a little mayonnaise, if using, top with some torn lettuce and then the burgers. Serve with carrot and cucumber ‘fries.’

See more Healthy recipes for children

Cooked or uncooked turkey patties are freezable. Place in an airtight container and freeze. In order to enjoy optimum flavour and quality, frozen items are best used within 3 months of their freezing date. For more tips on freezing and defrosting food, read our article Love Your Freezer.

Cooking for children: There are no reference intakes for children and all of these recipes are based on recommendations for an adult woman's portion size. In children of different ages, there is variation in their energy (calorie) requirements and nutrient recommendations. If you are interested in which portion size is best for your child, you can visit the School Food Standards.

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