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Roast turkey with sausagemeat stuffing recipe

Roast turkey with sausagemeat stuffing recipe

27 ratings

A seasonal favourite that will provide plenty of leftovers to use or freeze for other meals. Served with crispy roast potatoes and dark green vegetables this is especially great for autumn entertaining. And the leftovers make a lovely fluffy pilaf, juicy burgers or a tasty pesto pasta salad. See method

  • Serves 4
  • 25 mins to prepare and 2 hrs 20 mins to cook, 20 mins to cool
  • 1275 calories / serving


  • 15ml (1tbsp) olive oil
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 270g (9oz) Cumberland sausages
  • 50g fresh breadcrumbs
  • 60g (2oz) dried cranberries
  • 100g cooked and peeled chestnuts, chopped
  • large handful flat-leaf parsley, leaves chopped
  • 1 egg, lightly whisked

For the turkey

  • 4.5kg (9lb) turkey, giblets removed
  • 50g unsalted butter, softened

Perfect with:

  • Yellow Tail Chardonnay 75Cl
  • Yellow Tail Sauvignon Blanc 75Cl
  • Tesco Finest Rioja Blanco 75Cl

Perfect with:

  • Yellow Tail Chardonnay 75Cl
  • Yellow Tail Sauvignon Blanc 75Cl
  • Tesco Finest Rioja Blanco 75Cl

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    Each serving contains

    • Energy

    • Fat

      67g 96%
    • Saturates

      25g 125%
    • Sugars

      16g 16%
    • Salt

      2.5g 42%

    of the reference intake
    Carbohydrate 36.4g Protein 132.3g Fibre 3.5g


    1. Start by making the stuffing. Heat the oil in a frying pan, add the onion and soften over a low heat for 5 minutes. Remove to a large bowl and set aside to cool completely. Then add the remaining ingredients and some seasoning. With clean hands scrunch together until well mixed. Preheat the oven to gas 6, 200°C, fan 180°C.
    2. Ease the skin from the front of the turkey breasts with your fingers at the neck end, without breaking the skin. Fill with the stuffing and secure the skin underneath with some cocktail sticks. Put in a big roasting tin and spread the softened butter over the breasts and legs, season well. Weigh the turkey and calculate the cooking time at 20 minutes per kg, plus an extra 90 minutes.
    3. Roast for 30 minutes, then turn the oven down to gas 4, 180°C, fan160°C and cook for the rest of the calculated time (for 4.5kg - 2 hour 40 minutes), until the juices run clear when you pierce the turkey with a sharp knife where the thigh meets the body. If the skin looks like it might burn, cover loosely with foil. Once cooked, remove to a warm serving platter and rest, covered in foil, for at least 20 minutes before carving.

    See more Turkey recipes

    For top tips on protecting you and your family when preparing raw meat and poultry, visit Food Safety in the Home.

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