Spiced blackened salmon
This spicy salmon recipe will take pride of place on your BBQ spread this summer. Served with a fresh and zesty sweetcorn salsa, it makes a great spontaneous light lunch or even a midweek BBQ treat.
Place the spices and a pinch of salt into a bowl and toss together. Tip onto a plate and level off the spice mix so it’s flat and spread over the whole plate. Place the salmon flesh side down into the spice mix to thoroughly coat and drizzle with the oil.
Place onto a hot barbeque skin side down and cook for 2 mins. Then turn over and cook for 3-4 mins until the salmon is cooked through and just ‘blackened’ by the spices.
Meanwhile, place the salsa ingredients together in a bowl and toss well, then lightly season with a good grind of black pepper.
Serve the hot salmon with the salsa, garnished with thyme sprigs and serve with lime wedges, if using.
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